At Clay Paper Scissors, we lay great importance in learning about different cultures from around the world.
Following on from our project inspired by Aboriginal art, our Home Ed children have been exploring Native American Art.
Using stories and music is a very effective way of stimulating conversation and creative thought and we use them regularly.
The legend of the Rainbow Crow is retold by Nancy Van Laan and illustrated by Beatriz Vidal in their colourful book 'Rainbow Crow'. The children learned how the Rainbow Crow lost his beautiful voice and vibrant colors to bring the gift of fire to the other woodland animals.
'The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush' by Tomie dePaola explores notions of difference and individuality. Little Gopher's ambitions are different from his peers. His motivation in life is to capture the essence of a sunset. Using chamois leather, our young artists colour mixed the three primaries to create their own versions of a sunset. They practiced joining sticks together with leather thong, threading and tying knots.
Dreamcatchers were created out of twisted willow, wool, feathers and beads. The latter were considered sacred in Native American culture. Traditionally, dreamcatchers were placed above a bed or cradle to capture bad dreams.
The children also had a go at making sand art. In Native American tribes such as the Navajo, sand art is considered as an act of healing